Le site du jour: le Temps passe…

Astrid Girardeau, Libération

Since the mid-1990s, Camilla Torna has asked her friends and acquaintances to draw how they see the passage of time. Today, this Florentine graphic designer, exiled in New York, has extended the idea on the Internet with the Icatime project where she invites everyone to propose their vision. And the more than three hundred drawings already sent speak of time from a historical, religious, philosophical and personal angle. The majority are abstract representations, made of lines, circles or arrows. But there are also some more elaborate and metaphorical visualizations. For each drawing, Camilla Torna asks the creator for some personal information (gender, age, country of origin/residence, level of studies, profession, etc.) in order to try to draw general cultural tendencies. Each participant can accompany his drawing with a comment.

Thus, this Italian designer associated with this drawing the following text: “I feel like an onion. The outer layers move over time, it is a social time that allows me to connect with others. But the more I focus on myself, the slower time is, and everything in the center it is immobile. It was only recently that I realized that it is in the center of the onion that the new plant germinates.”


Arche Time conference: Reflections on Time

Fred Swist, Physics World

The conference was completely unlike most meetings attended by physicists. Organized by conceptual artist Olga Ast, the event brought together more than 70 people from a wide range of backgrounds.

How we draw Time passing by

Paolo Fallai, Corriere della Sera

Icatime by Camilla Torna collects online the «visualization of daily life»: sketches, pencil strokes, more complex elaborations. Do you have an idea of ​​how the passing of time can be visualized?